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Meet the Partners.

A big project like LAND4CLIMATE is a true team effort. On this page you can get to know LAND4CLIMATE partners and read about their role in the project. 


Project Coordinator

The Department of Spatial Planning at the TU Dortmund University (TUDO) is one of the largest planning science institutions in Europe and has been the strongest research Department in the field in Germany for years. The IRPUD is a scientific Research Group of the department of Spatial Planning which focuses on spatial risk and climate impact research. In risk and climate impact research, the role of spatial planning in risk and climate impact assessment and the development of spatial planning strategies for risk management and adaptation to climate change are investigated. The chair of Land Policy, Land Management and Municipal Surveying researches and teaches on land policy and its relations to spatial planning. Special emphasis is given to the impact of climate change on property rights. In LAND4CLIMATE TUDO is leading the project as a project coordinator.

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Project Partners

The Agency for the Support of Regional Development Košice (ARR) is a non-profit organisation, established by the Košice self-governing region. ARR prepared Climate change adaptation strategy for the Košice region which proposed a set of measures aimed at reducing the possible negative consequences of climate change. ARR’s main activities also include creation of strategic materials for the regional government; acting as an Intermediate Body for small grant schemes for the regional government since 2021; organising professional events in the region – seminars, workshops, and conferences. In LAND4CLIMATE ARR is mainly involved in the capacity building and peer-to-peer learning for NBS in front-running regions.

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The University of Bologna (UNIBO) is a public research university in Bologna, Italy. Founded in 1088, it is the oldest university in continuous operation in the world, and the first degree-awarding institution of higher learning. In LAND4CLIMATE UNIBO is mainly involved in the Effectiveness and efficiency assessment of NBS on private land in the front-running regions.

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Burgenland is the easternmost and third smallest federal state of Austria in terms of area and the smallest in terms of population, bordering Lower Austria and Styria to the west, Hungary to the east, Slovakia to the north and Slovenia to the south. From the Provincial Government of Burgenland, the Water Management Department is a LAND4CLIMATE partner, who together with The Department 14 Water Management, Resources and Sustainability and BOKU represents the frontrunning region of Lafnitz catchment.

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The Department 14 Water Management, Resources and Sustainability is a public body, forming a part of the Office of the Styrian Government in Austria. The organisation represents the interface between municipalities in Styria and the political level. The relevance and thematic competence of STMK is the coordination of the water management in Styria, coordination, and implementation of water-relevant EU guidelines (especially the water framework directive and the flood directive) with a technical view, implementation of water management measures in connection with the national water management plan, water management affairs and coordination of flood risk management in Styria. In LAND4CLIMATE the department, together with the province of Burgenland, act as a practice partner in the front-running-region of Lafnitz. In close cooperation with the scientific partners and local stakeholder, they will work to have the NBS selected and implemented, accompanied by communication activities in the region.


Banat River Basin Administration is one of the 11 administrations of National Administration ”Apele Române”. It has two subunits: Timiș Water Management System and Caraș-Severin Water Management System. The administration’s main duties are the sustainable management of surface and underground water resources and the administration, exploitation and maintenance of its minor water beds, lake basins and ponds (in their natural or arranged state), wetlands and protected areas. In LAND4CLIMATE the administration’s focus is the realisation of NBS measures in the Romanian frontrunning region of Upper Timiş river catchment.


The Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML) is an associated partner in the LAND4CLIMATE project, contributing not just through financial support for climate adaptation measures in the Lafnitz catchment area, but also by offering personnel resources to assist the Austrian implementation partners. 

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The Design Entrepreneurship Institute (DEN) is a non-profit think tank, working at European level thanks to an extended network of collaborators. DEN main areas of activities are: support to participatory innovation practices, socio-economic impact assessment of research and innovation initiatives; research on societal impacts of climate change mitigation, (Digital) Social Innovation, inclusion and non-discrimination, strategic consultancy on innovation of processes, use of ICT technologies and software technology transfer. In addition, it also offers project and programme management as well as project communication and dissemination. In its research activities, DEN adopts an interdisciplinary approach that combines and develops both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, following – when possible – the action-research principles. In LAND4CLIMATE DEN is mainly involved in the communications and dissemination.

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Authority for the management of Parks and Biodiversity - Delta del Po (Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità in Italian) is the management body of the "Delta del Po" Regional Park (54.000 ha), established in 1988, as well as the Regional Nature Reserves "Dune di Massenzatica" and "Alfonsine", 23 Nature 2000 sites and 10 Ramsar wetlands. The Po Delta is also a World Heritage site and a Biosphere Reserve. The main purpose of the Authority is the conservation of biodiversity. Within its managed areas there are 80 km of seashore, with erosion and saltwater intrusion problems. In LAND4CLIMATE the Authority will cooperate in the research activities and will carry out demonstration interventions of the natural based solutions identified by the partnership.

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ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a non-profit global network of more than 1,750 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. ICLEI influences sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient, and circular development. In LAND4CLIMATE ICLEI European Secretariat is mainly involved in the replication and upscaling, as well as communication and dissemination efforts. 

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The County of Euskirchen (Kreis Euskirchen in German) is the administrative authority for a largely rural and comparably sparely populated region. The region was hit very hard by a devastating flood event in 2021. Since then, they have been very active to implement climate change adaption measures. These measures include a comprehensive climate change adaption strategy. The County’s engagement in LAND4CLIMATE is part of that strategy.

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Krásná Lípa is a town with approximately 3,400 inhabitants in the Děčín district in the Ústí Region in the Czech Republic. It lies on the Křinice river on the border of the Czech Switzerland National Park and the Lusatian Mountains. The city is surrounded by meadows and forests, in which several small ponds have been built. In LAND4CLIMATE the town is involved mainly in the realisation of NBS measures in the Czech frontrunning region of National Park Bohemian Switzerland & Krásná Lípa.

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Founded 1993, NGO People and Water (P&W) assists municipalities and regions with the design of programs for the integrated protection of water. NGO activities are devoted to education; implementation of pilot projects; awareness-raising and supporting legislature changes related to utilisation and protection of water resources, anti-flood protection, water scarcity, enhancement of biodiversity and adaptation to negative consequences of climate change. In LAND4CLIMATE P&W is involved mainly in the realisation of NBS measures in the Slovakian frontrunning region of Ronava River Catchment.

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The Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resource Management at RWTH Aachen University has extensive experience in numerical modelling of hydraulic processes especially regarding fluvial and pluvial flooding. In LAND4CLIMATE the Institute’s main focus is on the hazard aspect of floods and the accompanying risks.

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The Bohemian Switzerland National Park (Národní park České Švýcarsko in Czech), the youngest national park in the Czech Republic, was established on 1st January 2000 and it covers an area of nearly 80km2. The mission of the National Park is to preserve the local territory in its full beauty and to enable natural processes to prevail in this area. Human interventions are only limited to activities which help restore the natural balance to the greatest extent. The National Park is administrated from the close-by town of Krásná Lípa. In LAND4CLIMATE the National park’s administration is involved mainly in the realisation of NBS measures in the Czech frontrunning region of National Park Bohemian Switzerland & Krásná Lípa.


The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), founded in 1872, is an education and research centre for renewable resources in Vienna, Austria. BOKU combines expertise in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, and biotechnology as well as social and economic sciences. In LAND4CLIMATE BOKU is mainly involved in the mapping of benefits and trade-offs of NBS implementation on private land, developing related policy instruments and business models, as well as the replication and upscaling efforts. 

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Politehnica University of Timișoara (UPT) is a public university in Timișoara. Founded in 1920, it is one of the largest technical universities in Central and Eastern Europe. The 10 faculties of the university provide study programs for about 13,000 students. In LAND4CLIMATE UPT’s main tasks lie with NBS implementation. 

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Founded in 1991, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University (UJEP) is a modern scientific, educational, and cultural centre of the Ústí nad Labem region in the north of the Czech Republic. With around 1100 employees, it educates eight thousand students in eight faculties. The university plays a fundamental role in ensuring a just transition that aims to improve social and economic competitiveness in the traditionally industrial region by stimulating transformative behaviour through research, education, and public engagement. In LAND4CLIMATE UJEP is responsible for identifying barriers & facilitators and formulating land policy and business approaches/models for transformative NBS. 

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