Picture form the excursion

Recap of the 3rd LAND4CLIMATE Project Meeting in Timisoara (September 16-18, 2024)

Demonstrating Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) on private land – With this ambition, partners of LAND4CLIMATE met from Monday, September 16th, to Wednesday, September 18th, 2024, for a productive and collaborative project meeting, hosted by our partners, the Politehnica University of Timișoara and the Banat River Basin Administration, in Timișoara. Aligning the activities of all work packages and exploring next steps for the implementation of NBS on private land were the main objectives of the meeting.

Day 1: Exploring the Future of NBS at the Timis River

The meeting kicked off on Monday noon with an excursion to the Timis River, where the NBS will be implemented. 

This on-site visit gave to the LAND4CLIMATE consortium an introduction to the solution aimed at revitalising old gravel pits by connecting them to nearby rivers. This innovative approach seeks to restore natural ecosystems and enhance water management, particularly in areas where gravel pits have disrupted the natural landscape. By reconnecting these pits with rivers, the project partners hope to improve biodiversity and reduce the risks of flooding, all while creating a sustainable and resilient environment.

The day concluded with a social dinner by the beautiful Surduc Lake, offering participants a chance to reflect the excursion, to improve the network of LAND4CLIMATE, and further strengthen our collaborative spirit in an informal and scenic setting.

Day 2: Presentations, Discussions, and Workshops

Tuesday was dedicated to an intense full-day working session, packed with insightful presentations and discussions.

After a welcome from the Politehnica University of Timișoara, the consortium jumped into the presentation on climate risk assessment, followed by an in-depth discussion on the different NBS implementation strategies. Representatives from each front-running region, together with their academic partners, actively participated in dedicated group work to assess and validate data. However, all LAND4CLIMATE members participated and contributed to lively and engaging debates.

In the afternoon we shifted our focus to an interactive session on the links between work packages by focusing on the results, perspectives, expectations and contributions of each Work Package (WP). This session was instrumental in aligning our understanding and coordinating future actions, as well as finding links between the different activities and tasks.

A special session was dedicated to "How to run a workshop" with a replication region. The overall aim was to share best practices and approaches to effectively engage and manage future stakeholders in the different regions.

The day was rounded off with another joint dinner, which allowed the partners to strengthen their collaboration.

Day 3: World Café and Strategic Planning

The final day of the meeting began with a World Café session to further explore the links and frictions between the different Work Packages of our project. This exercise fostered an open dialogue and allowed partners to share their insights on how to streamline collaboration.

The meeting was then wrapped up with a session dedicated to Communication, Dissemination, Networking, and Joint Activities. This session also included a presentation of the Exploitation Plan, focusing on how we can ensure the long-term success and impact of our project.


In conclusion, the meeting highlighted a good sense of collaboration and commitment from all partners; the discussions were fruitful, and the energy was positive. It was a great opportunity to not only advance our collective work but also to build deeper connections across the front-running regions.


This article was written by LAND4CLIMATE consortium partner DEN Institute.

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