
Image by Uwe Grützner

LAND4CLIMATE at the PLPR Conference 2025: Exploring Strategies for Nature-Based Solutions on Private Land

LAND4CLIMATE will be presented at the upcoming International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) Conference 2025, held at Cardiff University. At the conference, legal scholars and planning academics from around the world to gather to discuss legal and policy frameworks shaping land use and property rights. Activating private land for NBS influences land use and property rights.

The contribution of researchers from TU Dortmund University will present first insights from implementing NBS on private land from case studies conducted across six European countries. It will be discussed how diverse land policy instruments and their effectiveness in facilitating NBS deployment function in practice. Early findings highlight barriers such as bureaucratic hurdles, fragmented land ownership, and a lack of trust in public authorities.

This presentation will contribute to the broader discussion on how legal and policy frameworks can support the systematic transformation towards a climate-resilient Europe. LAND4CLIMATE's participation at PLPR 2025 underlines the project’s commitment to fostering innovative land-use strategies for sustainable climate adaptation.


This article was written by LAND4CLIMATE consortium Coordinator TU Dortmund University.

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