
The flood wave on Danube River is closer to Romania

Following the severe floodings in many Danube countries, the National Administration “Apele Române” staff is on high alert on Danube River and constantly monitors the entire course of the river. The Danube discharge is raising, and the flood wave peak is expected to be reached in the coming days.

According to the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management forecast, the Danube discharge will reach a value of 8500 cm/s on September 25th, which represents almost double of the current value (4200 cm/s) and its a lot above the multi-year average of September (3800 cm/s).

The intervention teams of the National Administration “Apele Române” have prepared thousands of sandbags to quickly respond to the situation, if necessary.

Based on the current data, the information received from Hungary and Republic of Serbia and taking into account the contribution of the other important tributary rivers of the Danube downstream of Budapest (Drava, Sava, Tisa and Morava), as a result of the propagation of the flood wave previously formed on the Danube and its tributary rivers, in the Bazias section the Danube discharge will be raising and will reach its maximum value in September 29th or 30th, reaching up to 7900-8000 cm/s.

By means of the megastructure Portile de Fier (Iron Gates) I and II reservoirs the transit of the flood wave will be carried out in good conditions.

The N. A. “Apele Române” teams from the 7 Water Basin Administrations along the Danube - Banat, Jiu, Olt, Argeș-Vedea, Buzău-Ialomita, Dobrogea-Litoral and Prut -Bârlad- are on high alert and monitor on the field the flood protection dykes spread on a length of over 1100 km.

Our hydrologists from the 7 Water Basin Administrations collect the data from 18 hydrometric stations located on the Romanian sector of the Danube and permanently transmit the information regarding the Danube levels, so that our colleagues from the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management can provide the hydrological forecast.

This article was written by Ana-Maria AGIU & Sorina NEAGA, N.A. Apele Române.

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