BWBA brings green solutions for the protection of the Timiș River’s banks
Banat Water Basin Administration (BWBA) is implementing an important project on the Timiș River to protect the riparian communities from the risk of floods. The project targets the section between Lugoj and the border with Serbia, and the method used to consolidate the banks combines green solutions with modern technology, guaranteeing both the natural protection of the river banks and their integration into the local landscape.
To prevent bank erosion, in various areas of the Timiș River, the banks are reinforced for 3.7 km with geotextile bags filled with a mixture of local material and stabilized ballast, supported by a geotextile mattress with a layer of fascines. These fascines, made up of interconnected branches, play an essential role in stabilizing the river bank in the long term, preventing erosion and contributing, at the same time, to the ecological aspect of the project, being subsequently naturally vegetated.
Although the use of geotextile and stabilized ballast involves modern and elastic technologies, the adopted solution respects ecological and sustainability principles, having a positive impact on the environment. The grassing of the consolidated slope acts as a natural barrier, strengthening the river bank and preventing further erosion, which is essential during periods of the floods risks.
Moreover, the flexible structure created by combining fascines and geotextile is resistant to the actions of water, in this way protecting the banks of the river.
The consolidation works started in 2024 and are part of the project "Consolidation and reprofiling of the Timiș River on the Lugoj sector - border with Serbia". They will be completed by March 2026, bringing significant benefits both for the safety of the riparian communities and for the environmental protection.
This article was written by Sorina Neaga from LAND4CLIMATE consortium partner Banat River Basin Administration.
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